Where's The Party?
An irresistible invitation... Kirkus Reviews. Where’s The Party? is a picture book about Kate who uses clues in ten birds’ songs to discover a very special party. Find out who the guests of honor are and learn about birds and birdsong along the way. There’s a glossary of birds in the back. Here’s an excerpt: “’Cheerily,’ the robin sings. ‘News!’ What news? Kate wants to know. A cardinal whistles, ‘Par-ty! Par-ty! Par-ty!’ A Party! Kate wants to go.”
With this book you will enter the imagination of a child’s world. Go with Kate as she follows birdsong down her path to the apple tree and finally to the brook. All of life is a celebration with Where’s The Party? (Random House/Charlesbridge, 2011). Where’s The Party? is currently available on Barnes and Noble nook books or from itunes as an ebook, complete with audio birdsong. Remaining paperback versions and hardbound are available on Amazon.